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Money through Teamwork

Teamwork Revolution Power System -- It sounds great. But is it so ???
What do you get in the quick start package :
1. A pre-made, personalized lead capture page that will obtain the names and email addresses of all your prospects.

2. A series of pre-written emails that you can send to your prospects to refer them to your pre-made lead capture page or affiliate referral link.

3. A series of promotional emails that our company auto-responder will send to your captured leads in an effort to help recruit them for you and assist you in building your business as quickly as possible.

4. A series of pre-written promotional emails that you can send to your captured leads if you choose to do so through your very own auto-responder.
This is a very highly effective combination of marketing tactics that are time tested and thoroughly proven to dramatically increase productivity in recruiting new members.

Affiliate Program Structure and Compensation Plan

2x8 affiliate program structure allowing all members to recoup their monthly membership fee with ONLY 2 REFERRALS and earn $2,330 A MONTH WITH ONLY 510 PEOPLE in their network, which they will achieve faster than ever before due to the MATHEMATICALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO BEAT RATE OF SPILLOVER of the 2 wide affiliate program structure.
You earn an average of $4.50 per person in your downline, which is over 450% more money than the owner of the company.
Teamwork Revolution Power System is the most mathematically superior program that has ever existed, providing the greatest possible opportunity for success.

And more, more, more ...

A Mathematically Unbeatable Home Business


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